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He's available next Monday.

by 돈 안 내고 영어공부 끝내기 2020. 4. 17.



As your friend, he actually doesn't seem like the kind of person who you can really connect with. 니 친구로서, 그는 사실 너랑 마음이 완전 잘 통하는 종류의 사람 같지는 않아.

I'm sick and tired of working with people who I have to explain every little(single) thing to. 일일이 다 알려줘야 하는 사람들이랑 일하는것은 이제 질색이야.

I think she is still angry with me but I don't know what I did wrong. 걔 아직도 나한테 화 나있는거 같은데 내가 뭘 잘못한건지 모르겠어

Maybe it's something you said. 아마도 그건 니가 말한 어떤거일지도 몰라. (니가 또 말실수 한거 아냐?)

It was hard to tell what was going on. So, at first, I just figured it was an employee hading out free stuff. 무슨 상황었는지 잘 몰라서 처음에는 그냥 직원 하나가 무료로 뭐 나눠주고 있구나 라고 생각했는데

But when I got a little closer, it looked like she was signing autographs. 좀더 가까이 가서 보니까 그 여자가 사람들한테 싸인을 해주고 있더라구.

Since it was a bookstore, I realized that it could be a famous writer signing books for her fans. 거기가 서점이었으니까 어떤 유명한 작가가 팬들을 위해서 책싸인을 해주고 있구나 싶었지.

I don't know. I did't recognize her. I don't think she was any writer that I know. 몰라, 난 못알아 보겠던데. 내가 아는 작가는 아니었던것 같아.

The more work you finish now the less there'll be for you to do later. 니가 지금 일을 더 많이 끝내놓을수록 나중에 니가 할일이 더 줄어들어

I feel like I'm getting better at it every(each) time I do(try) it. 하면 할수록 조금씩 감이 더 오는것 같은 느낌이야.

I feel like I can understand it better each time I read it. 읽으면 읽을수록 점점 이해가 잘 되는것 같은 느낌이야.

As time goes by, it's gonna get better. 시간이 흐를 수록, 나아질거야

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do which was in fact the main reason (that) I wanted to take (some) time off school. 나는 내가 뭘하고싶은지 확신이 없었어 (사실 내가 학교를 잠시 쉬고싶었던 주요 이유인)

I don't think I can go to her wedding, which by the way has nothing to do with the fact that we used to date. 나는 그녀의 결혼식에 갈수 없을것 같아 (그런데 그게 우리가 데이트 했었던거랑은 관련이 없는)

We ended up spending a lot more than we had planned which I think could've been avoided had I been in charge. 우리는 결국 우리가 계획했던것보다 훨씬 더 많은 돈을 썼어 (내가 생각하기에 내가 담당했었으면 피할수 있었을것같은)

I started taking driving lessons which I've been meaning to do for a while. 나는 운전 연수를 받기 시작했어 (오랫동안 의도해왔던)

As you gain more experiences it's gonna get easier. 경험을 더 많이 쌓을수록 쉬워질거야

Towards the end it became(got) more difficult. 뒤로 갈수록, 더 어려워졌어.

I don't understand people who are always critical(judgemental) of others.  나는 다른 사람들에게 항상 비판적인 사람들은 이해가 안가요.

She is the kind of person who is always very clear about what she wants. 그녀는 자신이 무엇을 원하는지에 대해 항상 매우 명확한 종류의 사람이다.

You don't understand. My brother is the kind of person who just takes small gifts like this, like it's nothing. 너가 몰라서 그래. 우리 형은 이런 작은 선물같은 것은 그냥 아무렇지도 않게 받는 사람이야.

He's available next Monday. 다음주 월요일에 가능하세요.

Is there any way I can see him this week? 이번주 내로 만나뵐수 있는 방법은 없을까요?

As long as there are no cancellations before then, Monday is the best we can do. 그 전에 예약 취소가 있지 않는 한 제일 빠른게 월요일이에요

I know it's a lot to ask, but can't you reschedule one of the others? 무리한 부탁인건 아는데 다른 분 예약을 변경할 수는 없을까요?

Sorry, but I could get into a lot of trouble for that. 죄송하지만 그렇게 하면 제가 진짜 곤란해질수도 있어서요

 I'll see what I can do but I can't promise anything. 일단 제가 할 수 있는건 해보겠는데요, 장담은 못해드려요.


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