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It's going to get better over time.

by 돈 안 내고 영어공부 끝내기 2020. 4. 17.

영어 표현 


I don't need to give it to someone who doesn't appreciate a good gesture. 이런 배려를 고마워할 줄 모르는 사람한테 줄 필요 없어.

He surely doesn't seem like the kind of person who you can learn a lot from. 그는 확실히 배울점이 그렇게 많은 종류의 사람 같지는 않아.

I don't think you should tell that to anyone who you can't fully trust. 니가 전적으로 믿을 수 없는 사람한테는 그 얘기를 안하는게 좋을것 같아.

It's great now, but I feel like I wanna meet someone who I have more in common with, you know what I mean? 지금도 좋은데 나랑 공통점이 좀 더 많은 사람을 만나고 싶은 마음도 있어, 무슨 얘긴지 알지?

It's going to get better over time. 시간이 갈수록 점차 나아질거야.

(Ever) since my father died, he's been calling me from time to time. 우리 아버지가 돌아가시고 나서부터 가끔 전화를 하시더라고.

We're not that close, but these days we talk on the phone once or twice a week. 그렇게 친한건 아닌데 요즘은 1주일에 한두번정도 통화해

We've been staying in tough even after I came back. 내가 돌아오고 나서도 우리는 계속 연락하고있는 중이야.

We were very close, but after we graduated, we lost touch. 우리는 엄청 친했는데, 졸업하고 연락이 끊겼어.

I got a message from my friend with a picture of a girl asking (me) if I knew who she was. 나는 친구로부터 내가 그녀가 누군지 아냐고 묻는 사진을 메세지로 받았어.

I sent him a message with a link to an article saying that he should read it. 나는 그에게 기사 링크를 메세지로 보내주면서 한번 읽어보라고 그랬어.

My phone is not as fast as it was when I first got it. 제 핸드폰이 처음 샀을때만큼 빠르지 않아요.

About 20 years ago, getting a job wasn't as hard as it is now. 약 20년 전에는 지금만큼 취칙하는게 어렵지 않았어.

He doesn't treat her as well as he used to when they first met. 걔는 그녀를 처음 만나을때만큼 그녀에게 잘해주지 않아.

My phone battery doesn't last as long as it did when I first got it. 내 핸드폰 배터리가 처음 샀을때만큼 오래가지 않아.

It didn't feel as far as I thought. 내가 생각했던 것만큼 멀게 느껴지지 않았어.

I can take my time in choosing. 나는 고르는데에 나의 시간을 가질 수 있어.

I can have enough time to think whether to buy those clothes or not. 나는 그 옷들을 살지 말지 생각할 충분한 시간을 가질 수 있어.

I just added them in my cart and didn't payed it for tow days. 나는 그냥 그것들을 장바구니에 담기만 하고 이틀동안 결제를 안했어.

The game industry is booming. 그 게임 산업이 호황이다.

Video games have a bad impact on children. 비디오 게임들은 아이들에게 나쁜 영향을 미친다.

I just don't feel like things are moving forward. 나는 그냥 진전이 있는것처럼 느껴지지 않아요.

I realized I had been so caught up in being a good mom. 나는 좋은 엄마가 되는것에 너무 얽매여 있었다는걸 깨달았어요.

Normally, it costs about 100 to 130 thousand won, 보통은 10만원에서 13만원 정도 드는데,

Depending on which brand you choose 근데 니가 어느 브랜드를 선택 하느냐에 따라서 

it can cost as much as 600 to 700 thousand won. 많게는 60만원에서 70만원이 들수도 있어.

But unless you buy a really high end brand, it shouldn't cost more than 200 thousand won. 아주 고급브랜드를 사지 않는 이상, 20만원 이상은 들지 않을거야.

I don't think I can drive to Busan. 나는 부산까지 운전할 자신이 없어.
(부산까지 운전할수 있다고 생각하지 않아)

There's a good chance that it's going to rain this weekend. 이번 주말에 비 올 가능성이 높다.

If we are not careful, there's a good chance that we're going to get lost. 우리가 조심하지 않으면. 길을 잃을 가능성이 높다.

As your friend, he actually doesn't seem like the kind of person who you can really connect with. 니 친구로서, 그는 사실 너랑 마음이 완전 잘 통하는 종류의 사람 같지는 않아.

I'm sick and tired of working with people who I have to explain every little(single) thing to. 일일이 다 알려줘야 하는 사람들이랑 일하는것은 이제 질색이야.

I think she is still angry with me but I don't know what I did wrong. 걔 아직도 나한테 화 나있는거 같은데 내가 뭘 잘못한건지 모르겠어

Maybe it's something you said. 아마도 그건 니가 말한 어떤거일지도 몰라. (니가 또 말실수 한거 아냐?)

She doesn't like traveling as much as I do. 그녀는 저만큼 여행하는걸 좋아하지 않아요. (as me 라고 하면 traveling 이랑 me 를 비교한다는 혼란이 올수 있음)

He doesn't seem to be worried about this as much as I am. 걔는 이거에대해서 나만큼 걱정이 안되는 모양이야.

I haven't been there as many times as you. 나는 너만큼 거기에 많이 안가봤어. (횟수)

I don't have as much time as you. 나는 너만큼 시간이 많지 않아.

When I was in school, I wasn't as outgoing as I am now. 내가 학생이었을때는 지금만큼 성격이 외향적이지 않았어요.

There wasn't particularly a problem, it's just that people asked surprisingly very private questions, like it was nothing. 딱히 문제가 있었다기 보다는, 사람들이 의외로 사적인 질문을 아무렇지 않게 하더라고.

I wanted to fit in quickly, so I coudn't help answering their questions 빨리 적응 하고 싶어서 어쩔수 없이 그들의 질문에 대답을 하긴 했는데

I gotta say, I didn't feel comfortable. 솔직히 말해야겠어, 난 편하게 느끼지 않았어. (속마음을 털어놓을때의 솔직함)

It's just a phase. Don't worry about it. 그건 그냥 과정일 뿐이야. 걱정하지마

The earlier we get there the more time we'll have to prepare. 거기에 일찍 도착할수록 준비할시간이 많아지니까

I got up around 7 o'clock this morning, which was a little earlier than usual. 나는 오늘 아침 7시쯤 일어났어 (평소보다 조금 일찍인)

And then I had breakfast which I don't do very often unless I'm very hungry. 그리고 나서 나는 아침을 먹었어 (내가 엄청 배고프면 모를까 자주 하지 않는)

I left home before 8 o'clock and I took the bus, which is how I usually go to work. 나는 8시 전에 집을 떠나서 버스를 탔어 (내가 주로 회사에 가는 방법인)

There was a meeting at work in the morning which lasted more than 2 hours. 아침에 회사에서 미팅이 있었어 (2시간 이상 지속된)

I got off work around 10pm which is pretty normal at my company. 난 10시쯤 퇴근했어 (우리 회사에서는 꽤 일상인)

While I was there, I saved half of what I earned, which was a lot easier that I thought. 내가 거기있는 동안 나는 내가 버는 돈의 반을 저축했어 (내가 생각했던것보다 훨씬 쉬웠던)

You know you tend to be a little careless with your words.  You must've said something you shouldn't have. 너도 알잖아 너가 말조심을 좀 안하는 편이란거. 또 무슨 말실수를 했나보지

He should've been more careful with his words.  그는 더 말조심을 했어야했어.

That didn't come out right. 말이 잘못나왔어. I did what it says in the manual. 나는 설명서에서 그게 말하는대로 했어.

We discussed several things during the meeting, most of which were related to the upcoming event next week. 우리는 회의에서 몇가지에 대해 논의했어 (그것들의 대부분은 다음주에 다가오는 이벤트들에 관련한)

As far as I can tell, we have 3 options none of which are very good. 내가 판단하기에는 우리한테 3가지 옵션이 있는데 그 어떤것도 아주 좋은건 아니야.

There's nothing we can do. 우리가 할수있는건 없어.

There's nothing we can do but(except) wait. 기다리는 수 밖에 없어.

The other day, I was at the bookstore and I noticed a woman surrounded by a large crowd. 며칠전에 서점에 갔는데 어떤 여자가 사람들한테 막 둘러쌓여 있는거야.

What does it say on the cover? 표지에 뭐라고 써(돼)있어?

I did exactly what he said.  나는 정확히 그가 말한대로 했어.

I'll just do what I've been doing up to now. 난 그냥 지금까지 해왔던 대로 할게.

The material and the overall construction is noticeably better. 그 재질이랑 전반적인 만듦새가 확실히 더 좋아요.

One way or another we have to finish this by the end of this mouth. 어떻게든 이걸 이번달까지 끝내야돼.

I can't afford to fail the test this time. 나는 이번엔 테스트에 떨어지는걸 감당할 수 없어

It's weird. I thought we would've heard from kim by now. 이상하다, 지금쯤이면 킴한테서 뭔가 소식이 있을줄 알았는데.

I thought it would've arrived by now. 지금쯤이면 도착할줄 알았는데.

it should've arrived by now. 지금쯤이면 도착했어야 하는데.

All I'm saying is (that) you should be careful. You've only known him for a few weeks. 난 그냥 니가 조심하는게 좋다고 말하는거 뿐이야. 그를 안지 몇주밖에 안됐잖아.

I wonder what it's like to be super rich. 돈이 완전 많으면 어떤 기분일까?

I wonder what it's like to speak 5 different languages. 5개국어를 하는건 어떤 느낌일까?

I wonder what it would have been like if I had studied harder? 내가 공부를 더 열심히 했었더라면 어땠을까?

I wonder what it would have been like if we had never met. 우리가 만나지 않았더라면 어땠을까?

I wonder what it was like to live in the Roman Times. 로마시대에 사는건 어땠을까?

I hung out with my friends who I hadn't seen for a long time. 오랜만에 친구들을 만났어. (그 친구들 만나는게 오랜만)

We're going to go shopping which we haven't done for a long time. 우리는 오랜만에 쇼핑을 갈 예정이야.

But I don't think he took it very well. 근데 걔가 좀 안좋게 받아들인것 같아.

He seemed to be pretty upset about what I said. 내가 한말 가지고 되게 서운해 하는것 같더라고.

Just so you know, I won't be back until Tuesday. 참고로 아시라고, 저는 화요일까진 돌아오지 않을거에요.

On a side note, I'll be attending meetings all morning tomorrow. So, if you need to reach me, you'll have to wait until I get back. 참고로 저는 내일 아침 내내 회의에 참석중일테니, 저한테 연락하시려면 제가 돌아올때까지 기다리셔야 할거에요.

Keep in mind that you cannot make any changes or corrections once the information is registered. 정보가 일단 등록되고나면 수정이나 변경이 안된다는걸 알고계세요.

For those of you who came a little late and missed the introduction, 좀 늦게 오셔서 소개를 놓치신 분들은

I need to make an appointment with Dr.Kim. 김박사님이랑 상담 예약을 하려고요

Whatever I go with, I'm gonna have to make compromises on some levels. 뭘로 하든간에 어느정도의 단점은 감수해야 될거야

Besides, I have to think about money at the moment. 게다가 지금은 돈도 생각해야돼서

So, in some ways that's the smartest option. 어떻게 보면 그게 가장 현명한 선택이야

How long do you think it'll take? 시간이 얼마정도 걸릴것 같아?

Normally, it takes about thirty to forty five minutes 보통은 30분에서 45분정도 걸리는데,

depending on what time we leave, it can take as long as an hour to an hour and a half.  우리가 몇시에 출발하느냐에 따라서 길게는 1시간에서 1시간 반 걸릴수도 있어.

But unless we got caught in rush hour, it shouldn't take more than an hour. 근데 퇴근시간에만 안걸리면 1시간 이상은 안걸릴거야.

How much do you think it'll cost? 돈이 얼마나 들거같아?

I got a message from work reminding me about the meeting tomorrwo morning. 내일 아침에 회의가 있다는걸 잊지 말라는 메세지를 받았어요.

I got an email from them letting me know what I need to prepare. 나는 그들로부터 내가 뭘 준비할 필요가 있는지 알려주는 메일을 받았어.

Wow, no way. I've never seen anyone so stuborn.  우와, 말도 안돼. 나 저렇게 고집 센사람 처음봐

I've never had pasta this good. 나 이렇게 맛있는 파스타는 처음먹어봐.

I've never seen anyone curse so much. 저렇게 욕 많이 하는 사람사람 처음봐. 

I've never seen anyone drink as much as you. 너처럼 많이 마시는 사람은 본적이 없어.

If you try to do many things at the same time, you're bound to make mistakes, so.. 동시에 여러가지를 하려고 하면 실수하기 마련이니까

You put this in the wrong order! 너 이거 잘못된 순서로 놓았어.

Check if it's in the right order. 순서가 맞는지 확인해봐.

The smaller it is, the easier it is to carry around. 작을수록 들고 다니기가 더 쉬워.

But that doesn't necessarily mean the smaller the better. 그렇다고 해서 꼭 작을수록 좋은것만은 아니야.

Because the smaller it is the less stuff  you can carry in it. 왜냐하면 작을수록 안에 넣고 다닐 수 있는게 적어지니까



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