영어 표현
And the weird thing is, she seems to be checking her messages, but for some reason, she's not replying. 그리고 이상한게, 메세지들을 체크하고 있는것 같긴 한데, 무슨 이유인지 답장을 안하고 있어.
Something tells me that she is freaking out about her presentation and she's going to bail. 얘 왠지, 발표하는거 때문에 완전 겁먹고 잠수탈 예정인거 같은데?
I didn't see anything myself, from what I hear, he wasn't getting along with others and he wasn't even doing his job properly. 내가 직접 본건 아닌데, 내가 듣기로는, 그는 다른 사람들이랑 잘 어울리지도 못하고 자기 일도 제대로 못하고 그랬대.
I put a lot of thought into deciding the title. 제목을 결정하는데 정말 많은 고민을 했어.
I don't have as much time as I did when I was in school. 나는 학생이었을때만큼 시간이 많지 않아요.
There were not as many people as I thought. 생각했던것만큼 사람이 많지 않았어요.
I go to the movies from time to time, but not as often as I used to. 나는 가끔 극장에 가긴 가는데, 예전만큼은 아니야.
Do you enjoy drinking? Not as much as I used to. 너 술마시는거 좋아해? 예전만큼은 아니야.
I'm sorry I'm late, but I wasn't aware that the meeting had been rescheduled. 늦어서 죄송하지만 저는 회의 일정이 조정된 줄 몰랐어요.
I found out now when I got to the office. 나는 사무실에 도착했을때 바로 지금 알아냈어요.
I could marry her, but I think I need to think about it some more. 난 그녀랑 결혼할수도 있는데, 나는 그것에 대해 좀더 생각해볼 필요가 있다고 생각해.
If there are too many people, it's better to go somewhere else. 사람이 너무 많으면, 다른곳으로 가는게 더 나아.
If you leave before 5 c'clock, there isn't much traffic. 니가 5시 전에 출발하면 많은 트래피은 없어.
If I lived closer to school, I could save more time. 내가 학교에 더 가까이 살았다면, 시간을 더 아낄수 있었을거야.
If I went to work 5 times a week, I could do more things on weekends. 내가 만약 일주일에 5번만 회사에 갔다면 주말에 더 많은 일들을 할 수 있었을텐데.
If I didn't gain weight so easily, I wouldn't have to be careful about what I eat. 만약 내가 내가 쉽게 살이 찌지 않았다면 먹는것에 조심할 필요가 없었을거야.
If I get off work early today, I'm going to meet up with some friends for some drinks. 오늘 일찍 퇴근하면 친구들 만날 예정이야, 술마시러
Apparently, there was some mistake and not everyone was notified in time. 보아하니, 어떤 실수가 있어서 모두가 제 시간에 통보를 받지 못한 모양입니다.
So, I'd just like everyone to get to know her and help her get acquainted. 그래서, 모두가 그녀와 친해졌으면 좋겠고요, 잘 적응하도록 도와줬으면 합니다.
She did a very thorough job. 그녀는 일을 아주 꼼꼼하게(철저하게) 해냈다. Don't worry. He's very thorough. 걱정마. 그는 엄청 꼼꼼해/철저해.
Her explanation was very thorough. Nobody had any questions. 그녀의 설명은 매우 꼼꼼했어. 아무도 질문을 안했어.
I went over the document(s) many times very thoroughly. 내가 문서를 여러번 아주 꼼꼼하게 검토했어.
The forecast is kind of meaningless in that country because the weather is constantly changing. 그 나라에서는 일기예보가 의미가 없어 왜냐면 날씨가 계속/수시로/끊임없이 바뀌거든.
We have been collaborating quite consistently over the past couple of months. 우리는 지난 몇달간 꽤 꾸준히 협력해왔다.
If you don't like it, you can return it. 만약 맘에 만들면 너는 돌려줄수 있어.
If you study really hard, you might pass the test. 공부를 정말 열심히 하면 테스트에 합격할지도 몰라
If you tell her the truth, she might understand. 그녀에게 솔직히 말하면 이해해줄지도 몰라
If I can't save enough money, I might have to borrow some. 만약 내가 돈을 충분히 못 모으면 돈을 빌려야 할지도 몰라.
Michael is supposed to give a presentation in the meeting today. But if he's late, you might have to do it. 마이클이 오늘 회의시간에 발표를 하기로 되어있어. 그런데 그가 늦으면, 니가 해야될지도 몰라.
If they don't help us, we won't be able to finish this on time. 걔들이 우리를 도와주지 않으면 우리는 이걸 제시간에 끝낼수 없을거야.
If we leave now, we might be able to catch the last train. 우리가 지금 출발하면 막차를 탈수 있을지도 몰라.
Everyone is going to get busy soon, so if we don't go this time, we might not have(get) another chance this year. 다들 곧 바빠질 예정이라 이번에 안가면 올해에는 더이상 기회가 없을지도 몰라요.
Unliess it's an emergency, no one is allowed to cancel 응급상황이면 모를까, 누구도 취소가 허락되지 않아요.
So, unless something comes up, I think we will be able to go this time. 그래서 별일만 안일어나면 이번에는 갈 수 있을 것 같아요. if something comes up, let me know. 만약 무슨일이 일어나면 알려주세요.
Did you get in touch with Kim? We only have 20 minutes left. 킴이랑 연락 됐어? 20분밖에 안남았어
There was nothing I could do. I had to send it back. 뭐 어쩔수 없었죠-그냥 반품시켜야 했죠.
It's not like I could keep it in my bedroom, right? 그렇다고 그걸 침실에 놓고 사용할 수는 없잖아요, 그쵸?
But, it just felt like too much trouble looking for a different model and scheduling another delivery, 근데요, 다른 모델을 찾아보고 배송일정도 다시 잡고 이런데 다 너무 귀찮게 느껴져서
I just canceled the purchase and I decided to keep using my old one. 나는 그냥 구매를 취소하고 원래 쓰던거 그냥 계속 쓰기로 했어요.
But it's not for sure yet. 근데 아직 확실한건 아니에요
So far, we've only decided where to go. 아직까지는 어디에 갈지만 정해놓은 상태고요.
We haven't even decided on a specific date yet. 아직 구체적인 날짜도 안정했어요.
Plus I still have to check with my boss about what my work schedule is going to be like during that week. 게다가 그 주에 근무일정이 어떻게 될지에 대해서 상사랑 아직 체크를 해봐야 만 해요
There is an event tomorrow, and a very famous author will be giving a speech. 내일 이벤트가 있는데요, 아주 유명한 작가가 연설을 할거에요.
(미래의 일정에 대해서 얘기할때는 미래진행형이 좋음!)
No, I'm still working on my application. 아니, 지원서를 아직 작성중이야.
What happened? I thought you would've submitted it by now. 어떻게 된거야? 벌써(지금쯤이면) 제출했을 줄 알았는데.
I was afraid that there might be some typos, so I spent all night double-checking it. 오타가 있을지도 몰라서 밤새 검토를 했어.
I don't know, she must've had some problems with her boss. 난 몰라요, 상사랑 문제가 좀 있었나봐요.
Either that or, She might've just gotten sick. 그게 아니라면, 몸이 안좋아졌던 걸지도 몰라요.
Either way, it couldn't have been because she got tired of the job. 어쨌든(둘중 어느 쪽이든 간에), 걔가 그 일이 질려서 그랬었을리가 없어.
On my way here, I saw a dog wandering around by itself. 여기 오는길에요, 혼자서 방황하는 개를 봤는데요.
It almost looked as if it had nothing left but(except) its skin and bones. 거의 가죽이랑 뼈밖에 안남은 것처럼 보이더라니까요?
But it turned out to be much bigger than I thought. 근데 막상 보니까(알고보니), 생각보다 너무 큰거에요.
I was going to put it in my bathroom, but it didn't fit. 화장실에 놓을 예정이었는데, 안들어가는거에요.
But it hasn't been very long since I really started driving. 근데 본격적으로 운전을 시작한지는 얼마 안됐어요.
It was only after I started working that I actually needed to drive. 일을 시작하고 나서야 실제로 운전할 일이 생겼거든요.
It's actually been quite a long time since I got my own place. 독립한지는 사실 꽤 오래 됐는데요
But it hasn't been very long since I really started to cook. 요리하기를 본격적으로 시작한지는 얼마 안됐어요.
It was only after I founded out how much I was spending on food that I felt the need to start cooking. 제가 먹는거에 돈을 얼마나 쓰고있는지를 알아내고 나서야 요리를 시작해야겠다는 필요를 느꼈어요.
It took some time, but once I got used to parking, it wasn't that hard. 시간이 좀 걸렸지만, 주차하는게 한번 익숙해지고 나니까, 크게 힘들진 않더라구요.
If the weather is really clear, we will be able to take some nice pictures. 날씨가 정말 맑으면, 우리는 멋진 사진들을 찍을수 있게될거야.
If I had gone to bed earlier yesterday, I wouldn't have been so hard to get up this morning. 어제 더 일찍 잤으면 오늘 일어나는게 그렇게 힘들지 않았을텐데.
If I had been more prepared, I would've done better on the interview. 내가 더 준비가 되어있었으면 인터뷰에서 더 잘했을텐데.
If I had eaten breakfast, I wouldn't have been so hungry. 아침을 먹었더라면 그렇게 배고프지 않았을텐데.
If I had known about his situation, I would've helped him. 내가 그의 상황에 대해서 알았더라면 그를 도왔을거야.
If he had asked me, I might've helped him. 그가 나한테 물어봤으면 내가 도와줬을지도 몰라.
If she had practiced harder, she might not have made that mistake. 그녀가 더 열심히 연습했었으면 그 실수를 안했을지도 몰라.
If I had looked into it more, I might've chosen a different one. 내가 좀더 알아봤다면 다른것을 골랐을지도 몰라.
Just as I was about to leave, I had to go to the bathroom really bad. 내가 막 나오려고 하고있을때, 나는 진짜로 화장실에 가야만 했어.
This button is for adjusting the volume. 이 버튼은 볼륨을 조절하는 용도에요.
We went to the restaurant and there were too many people, so we went somewhere else. 그 식당에 갔는데 사람이 너무 많아서 딴데로 갔어.
Right after she broke up with him, she immediately met someone else. 그와 헤어진 후 바로, 그녀는 즉시 다른사람을 만났어.
I think we need to find some other way. 우리 다른 방법을 찾아볼 필요가 있다고 생각해.
You must've been really hungry. 너 진짜 배고팠나봐. / 너 진짜 배고프겠다. (상황에 따라)
You must've been really frustrated! 너 진짜 짜증났겠다.
You must've felt really good! 와 너 진짜 기분 좋았겠다!
it looked like you came in halfway through the movie. 너 영화 절반쯤 지나서 들어온거 같던데?
It's already halfway through this month 이번달이 벌써 절반쯤 지났어
Was the traffic that bad? 트래픽이 그렇게 안좋았어?
what made this place especially better was 이번에 갔던곳이 특히 좋았던 것은
It was nice to be able to experience their culture instead of just eating the food. 음식을 먹는 것만이 아니라 그들의 문화를 경험할 수 있어서 좋았어요.
what made this movie especially better was 이번영화가 특히 좋았던것은
it featured many different characters at the same time. 많은 다른 캐릭터들이 동시에 등장을 했다는거에요.
It was really nice to be able to see my favorite characters in a sigle movie. 제가 가장 좋아하는 캐릭터들을 한 영화에서 한꺼번에 볼수 있어서 너무 좋았어요.
We have to take it seriously. 우리는 그걸 심각하게 생각해야만해.
when it comes to their overal impact in hollywood 헐리우드에 주는 그들의 전반적인 영향력을 보자면
Dwayne doesn't even come close to what Anorld has done. 드웨인은 아놀드가 이룬것의 근처에도 못오지.
It looks like there may have been some misunderstanding about the announcement that was made a few days ago. 며칠전에 나간 공지에 대해서 오해가 좀 있었을수도 있던걸로 보여요.
I want to take a moment to clear that up just so (that) there is no more confusion. 더이상의 혼란이 없도록 잠깐 시간을 가지고 정리를 하고 싶고요
Once we get that straightened out, 그걸 일단 바로 잡고 나면
we can move on to our main topic today. 우리는 오늘 우리의 메인 토픽으로 넘어갈 수 있어요.
Just as I was about to take the bus, I noticed I didn't have my wallet with me. 딱 버스를 타려고 하고 있는데 나한테 지갑이 없다는걸 알아챈거야.
I don't want to look careless. 나는 부주의해 보이길 원하지 않아.
I don't want them to think that I lack responsibility. 나는 그들이 내가 책임감이 부족하다고 생각하길 원하지 않아.
What if they find a typo and don't even read through the entire application? 오타를 보고 지원서를 (끝까지) 다 읽지도 않으면 어떡해?
I'm having a hard time sleeping these days 나는 잠을 자는데 힘든 시간을 가지고 있는 중이다 요즘.
I'm having a hard time decideing which one to buy. 나는 어떤것을 살지 결정하는데 힘든 시간을 가지고 있는 중이다.
Didn't you say you were going to get a new phone? 너 핸드폰 바꿀 예정이라고 하지 않았어? (change라는 말은 안씀)
I've tried getting it fixed a couple of times, but for some reason it kept causing problems. 몇번 수리를 받아봤는데 무슨이유에서인지 계속 문제가 생기더라구.
I'm planning to go skiing this weekend with some friends. 이번주 주말에 스키타러 가기로 계획중이에요 친구들 몇명이랑.
I'm really hoping that we can go this time. 이번에는 정말 좀 갈 수 있었으면 좋겠어요.
We've already postponed it twice. 벌써 두번이나 미룬거고요,
If I hadn't made that mistake, we wouldn't have had to do this again. 내가 그 실수를 하지 않았더라면 우리가 이걸 다시할 필요가 없었을거야
I'm glad it's not raining. 비가 안와서 다행이야
It's a good thing I checked first. 먼저 체크해본길 잘한거네.
It's about 10 minutes on foot. 도보로 10분정도 거리야.
As far as I know, that movie is releasing this week. 내가 알기로는 그 영화 이번주에 개봉하는데.
I was told that it would be the same this year. 올해도 똑같을거라고 들었어요
The way I see it, the timing was the problem. 내가 보기에는, 타이밍이 문제였어.
I happen to have some cash on me right now. 마침 딱 지금 나한테 현금이 좀 있어.
I happen to have a really good idea. 마침 내가 정말 좋은 생각이 있어.
I happen to have some left over pizza from yesterday in my refrigerator. 마침 냉장고에 어제 먹다 남은 피자가 있어.
Do you happen to know where I can get something like this? 혹시 이런거 어디서 파는지 아세요?
I happen to know someone who is planning to go to Australia soon. 내가 아는 사람중에 마침 곧 호주에 가는 사람이 있거든.
Do you happen to know anyone who is planning to go abroad soon? 혹시 주변에 곧 외국에 나가는 사람 있어요? (around me 하지 말것!)
I don't think that's a fair comparison. 그건 비교가 안되는거 같은데. he isn't nearly as charismatic as Arnold 그는 거의 아놀드 만큼 카리스마 있지 않아.
Sales have been dropping quite consistently over the past couple of years. 판매량이 지난 몇년간 꾸준히 떨어지고 있다.
Sales have been quite consistent over the past couple of years. 판매량이 지난 몇년간 꾸준히 유지되고 있다.
One of the most important things when you are teaching students is you have to give them a lot of encouragement. 학생들을 가르칠때 가장 중요한것중 하나는, 그들에게 많은 격려를 해줘야만 한다는 것이다.
Several years ago, I worked briefly for a company that provided English courses online, 몇 년 전에, 영어 인강을 제공하는 회사에서 잠깐 일을 했었어요.
it was a pretty big transition to go from teaching students to working mostly at a desk. 학생들을 가르치는 일에서 책상에서 주로하는 업무로 가는게 꽤 큰 변화였죠.
It took a lot of getting used to. 그것은 적응을 진짜 많이 해야 했어요.
If he hadn't told her, she might not have realized how important it was. 그가 그녀에게 말을 안해줬으면 그녀는 그게 얼마나 중요한지 깨닫지 않았을지도 몰라.
If I had studied harder, I could've gone to a better school. 내가 더 열심히 공부했더라면 더 좋은 학교를 갈 수 있었을텐데
If you had asked me, I could've helped you. 니가 나한테 물어봤으면 내가 도와줄수 있었을텐데
If you hadn't help me, I couldn't have finished this on time. 니가 나를 안도와줬으면 나는 제시간에 못끝냈을거야.
If we had left a little later, we couldn't have arrived here at this time. 우리가 조금 늦게 출발했더라면 이시간에 여기에 도착 못했을거야.
I'm going to have a drink tonight. 나 오늘 술마실 예정이야.
My family and my relatives are going to get together at my uncle's place in Busan. 내 가족과 친척들이 부산에 있는 삼촌집에서 모일예정이야.
I understand how you feel. 나는 니가 어떻게 느끼는지 이해해.
I figured out how to set up the alarm. 나는 알람을 어떻게 설정하는지 알아냈어
I'm not very familiar with this topic. 난 이 주제에 대해 많이 친숙하진 않아요.
I can't tell what it says. 나는 뭐라고 쓰여져있는지 판단할 수 없어. (글씨가 엉망이라 판단이 안되는상황)
I can't tell the difference. 나는 다른점을 판단할수 없어. Can you tell what this is? 너는 이게 뭔지 판단할 수 있어?
I'm sorry I was so short with you earlier. 아까 내가 너무 건성으로 툭 대답해서 미안해.
I was a little preoccupied with something. 내가 어떤거에 좀 정신이 팔려이썼어.
If I hadn't saved enough money, I would've had to stay there for another year. 내가 돈을 충분히 모으지 않았더라면 거기에 1년 더 있었어야 했었을거야.
If she hadn't passed the test, she would've had to prepare another year. 그녀가 테스트에 합격 안했더라면 1년을 더 준비해야 했었을거야.
If you had told me a little earlier, I wouldn't have had to wait this long. 니가 좀더 일찍 얘기해줬으면 내가 이렇게 오래 안기다려도 됐었잖아.
It involved so much more collaborative work with co-workers so it required me to be a lot more social than what I was used to. 동료들과 협력해야 하는 일이 훨씬 많아서 그 전에 비해 사회적이 되어야 했죠.
Overall, it was a really valuable learning experience for me. 전반적으로, 나에겐 정말 가치있고 배우는 경험이었어요.
She invitied me to come with her. 그녀가 나보고 같이 가쟤
Is it just me, or is it really hard to dress appropriately for the weather these days? 요즘 날씨에 맞춰서 적절하게 옷입기 진짜 힘든것 같아. 나만 그런가?
It's like almost impossible to pick out the right outfit (for the weather). 날씨에 맞는 적당한 옷을 고르기가 거의 불가능한것 같아.
My boss invited me to his house and I panicked. 상사가 집에 초대해서 당황했어.
She suddenly started nose-bleeding and I totally freaked out. 그녀가 갑자기 코피를 흘리기 시작해서 나 완전 당황했었어.
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