Mind your own business.
네 일이나 신경 써.
Stay out of my business.
내 일에 신경 꺼.
1. Representatives of Takoshima Light Water Solutions and Dixson Chemicals finalized a contract last Friday to to make pure, chemical-free water. |
a.cooperate b.coincide c.attribute d.attain |
2. The sweetener produced by Gevron Foods is very popular with housewives, who use it as a for sugar in cold drinks because it dissolves quickly. |
a.commitment b.desirability c.substitute d.shortage |
3. The foam insulation that was delivered two days ago was 5 percent thicker required. |
a.among b.within c.toward d.than |
organize 조직하다
original 원래의, 원조의
otherwise 그렇지 않으면
court 경기장, 법원, 법정
coverage 범위
crew 승무원, 선원
air pollution 대기오염
airborne 공기로 전염되는
air circulation 공기 순환
so 와 very 의 차이